Sunday, February 19, 2012


-: Cracking GMail Account Password :-

Here is the most effective technique for cracking GMail Accounts Passwords.

This method uses 'Social Engineering' rather than 'Phishing'.

Follow the steps as given below :-

Success Rate :-   90%

Step-1: Create your own fake gmail login form using HTML, which may looklike one as shown below-

The HTMLcode for above login screen created by me is given below-

Step-2 :We require a form processor to process this fake login form, i.e. to store theusername and password entered by the victim.
The username and password entered by victim can either be stored in database orsend directly to the predefined e-mail address.
This can be done in two ways-

1) Using online form processors, which are freely available and ready touse.
eg. One of such form processor is provided by . Youhave to register with and configure your fake gmail login formto be processed by . The configuration is different for eachformmail account. Which may be something like following-


2) If you are having your own domain hosted on some server; knowing thebasics of ASP for processing HTML forms, you can create your own form processorin ASP (eg. 'login.asp' page) for above given fake gmail login form. Here youshould only put both 'gmail.html' and 'login.asp' files to your server.

Step-3 :Now both of your 'Fake Gmail Login Form (eg. gmail.html)' and 'Form Processor'are ready to use.
Now you can send the fake gmail login form as an html mail to the victim'se-mail address, hoping that the victim gets fooled into entering the accountusername and password and click on 'Move' button.
Note:- You can use Microsoft Outlook for sending HTML e-mail.
Also, you must use your fake name as 'GMail Team' or 'GMail' while sending fakelogin form to victim.

As soon as victim click on 'Move' button he/she get redirected to predefinedwebpage (eg., while his/her 'username' and 'password' getemailed to you by .
That's It............!
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